Easily create HotSpot: Download, install on your Windows PC, configure limits and run your proffesional WiFi
Easily create HotSpot: Download, install on your Windows PC, configure limits and run your proffesional WiFi

HotSpot Download for PC Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Server
Antamedia HotSpot is the industry leading software for WiFi access management.
Free Access with a shared Keyword (like FREE)
Anonymous Free Access with a single click
Free Signup for an account for returning customers
Combine Free Trial Use with Paid Faster Access
Request from your customer to accept terms of use
Collect customer data (name, Email, address)

HotSpot software for Windows PC, allows you to build a WiFi network with any Access Point, configure your branding, offer free Internet access or bill for access.
How HotSpot Software Works:

HotSpot Software Features
Control smartphones, tablets, laptops
- Manage bandwidth, download and upload
- No network changes, use your own WiFi hardware
Customize login pages for WiFi locations
Collect customer satisfaction surveys
- Provide coupons for completed surveys
- Improve rank on TripAdvisor, Yelp etc
API: Integrate with third-party software
- Website, MAC and IP whitelist
- Social login: Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn,Google,VK
- Collect customer data for marketing
- More than 50 customizable HotSpot themes
Create users or tickets with custom Internet plans
- Hotel PMS Interface to Opera, IDS, and 20+ more
- Accept credit cards & keep 100% profits
- Web self-care Customer Portal
- Access Point & Device Monitoring
- Automatic Emails for marketing
- Speed boost for off-peak hours
- Print your own WiFi voucher tickets
- Internet Sharing (NAT) for all devices
- Auto-login users to increase ease of use
- URL filtering and logging of visited websites
- Internet plans per location
- Decrease speed for expired users
- Language editor with auto-language selection
- Set employee’s account access level
- Get real-time statistics and usage reports
- Watch online activity per customer
- Block websites with 2.5M domain web filter
- Manage multiple hotspot locations
- Active Directory Integration
Combine free access with faster paid plans
Free HotSpot download for PC helps you build and manage your WiFi network. You can offer free Internet access with social login, keywords, or click-through with terms of use. You can combine it with data collecting to use it for your marketing campaigns or you can add paid plans for those that need fast Internet access. Entire process is automated, and follows the rules you specify: duration of the free trial, number of logins per day, available bandwidth quota, download and upload rate, time of day when free access is available, and much more. In addition, you can setup automatic customer surveys to get insight into customer satisfaction.

Limit download and upload

Failing to set a bandwidth cap, leads to nonfunctional WiFi HotSpot. If data transfer is not controlled and limited, some customers may consume all your bandwidth, and leave other customers unable to connect or have decent browsing experience.
Antamedia HotSpot efficiently limits both download and upload rate for each customer connected to your network. But that’s just a starting point. To gain full control over the customer connection, you can limit bandwidth quota (maximum data transfer), or set limits on a daily level. For example, each customer can get 1GB data transfer, but only 10 MB daily. It takes care over your WiFi, and helps you never lose a customer.
Free Hotspot Download for Windows PC
- We’ll help you configure everything
- Technical support: Email, Phone, Online chat
- No obligations, zero-risk free trial
Our customers